Self-defense tools and techniques for security officers in the face of increasing violence.

With crime, political riots, public shootings, and the looming threat of terror attacks, police officers need to be more prepared than ever to combat the increasing violence. Police officers need to possess a diverse range of self-defense tools and techniques so that they can deal with different problems accordingly.
From using martial arts like Jiu Jitsu to safely neutralize a citizen causing a public disturbance, to acting with deadly force to stop an armed active shooter, police officers need to be able to use various self-defense tools and techniques.
The risks security officers face on the job
As mentioned before, Police Officers and other security Personnel need to deal with a wide range of threatening situations on a daily basis. They have to put themselves in harm’s way to stop various crimes and are always targets for members of organized crime and terror groups.
From a simple routine traffic stop gone wrong to a full-blown attack with firearms, police officers must be ready to defend themselves, and protect civilians around them at any time. Therefore, knowing the proper techniques, and having the right tools for it is essential.
The importance of self-defense tools and techniques
In the line of duty, police officers and other security personnel have to deal with a diverse range of problems. These problems require different levels of intervention to be resolved with minimal damage to civilians, police officers, and their properties. This cannot be done without access to the proper tools and techniques needed for self-defense.
For instance, a handgun alone isn’t suitable for every situation. If police officers are dealing with a domestic disturbance, and are trying to de-escalate a heated situation, pulling out a gun may only make matters worse. On the other hand, in the event of a public shooting, a handgun might not have enough firepower to make a difference, and they might need a rifle or shotgun to defend themselves and protect the civilians around them. Therefore, police officers need multiple self-defense weapons, and should also get training to learn various self-defense skills.
One of the most important tools that can help law enforcement officers in their duties and improve their safety is body armor. Police officers are constantly at risk of being attacked, especially in areas where gang violence and organized crime are rampant. Tactical body armor can protect police officers from such threats, and give them the confidence to engage their targets.
Examples of self-defense tools and techniques
To perform their duties efficiently, with safety and minimum conflict police officers need to have a wide range of self-defense tools and techniques at their disposal. Apart from their standard sidearm, they also need non-lethal weapons like tasers or pepper spray to neutralize aggressive threats with minimal force. Martial arts like Jiu-Jitsu can be really effective for police officers, and they allow them to control troublemakers more easily and effectively. Police officers should also learn other verbal self-defense skills, which can help them de-escalate difficult situations with their words.
Bulletproof vests and hard armor plates with plate carriers are one of the most essential tools a police officer can have. Not only does it provide protection against ballistic threats, but it also acts as a platform for police officers to carry their tactical gear, equipment, and other items.
What are the popular Categories of Body armor?
Body armor, which is used by the military, law enforcement, and civilians all around the world can be divided into two main categories. These are soft body armor and hard body armor plates. Soft body armor is made from Kevlar and is rated to stop handgun bullets, whereas hard body armor can stop rifle rounds as well.
Body armor is categorized as concealable and non-concealable as well. Police officers wear concealable body armor under their uniform whereas some units wear overt tactical armor, which provides ballistic protection and can mount tactical gear as well. Having easy-to-access gear on their body armor allows police officers to significantly improve their performance in the field.
What body armor do police officers use?
Though all of these self-defense tools and techniques are important, nothing is as important as body armor for police officers. Most police officers these days use level IIIa tactical body armor vests. According to the NIJ Standards, these vests and plates can provide protection against most handgun rounds. Good-quality body armor that is used by police officers is tested according to the NIJ standards. The ballistic testing of Level IIIa body armor is done using .44 magnum, and .357 Sig rounds.
Most police officers use soft armor vests that are worn under their uniforms, however, some special police and military units also use hard armor plates, which are rated to stop rifle threats. These plates are usually heavier and bulkier, and they can affect the wearer’s mobility.
How to properly use self-defense tools and techniques
Having all the self-defense tools at their disposal is essential for police officers, but to be effective, they need to learn how to properly use them as well. This is where training comes in. self-defense tools can be quite dangerous if used improperly, and the implications of even a tiny mistake can be catastrophic.
To be proficient with any kind of self-defense tool, or to learn any new self-defense technique training in controlled and safe environments is essential. As far as body armor is concerned, you should train while wearing body armor.
This allows you to get used to showing body armor feels on your body. You will be able to adjust to the restricted mobility caused by body armor, and you will be able to build muscle memory for accessing all of your tactical gear from your body armor vest or plate carrier.
Maintenance is also an essential part of using various self-defense tools. You need to make sure that your guns, tasers, Body Armor, and other gear is well maintained and properly cleaned so that they can keep serving you for a long time.
Police officers deal with several dangerous situations on a daily basis. Therefore, they need to have the proper self-defense tools and techniques for their protection.
Body armor has been protecting police officers and security personnel all around the world for multiple decades. it is one of the most important tools that any police officer can have, and it helps them effectively and safely perform their duties.